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Philip L. Viger
Phil Viger
41 Sherman Avenue
Meriden, CT, 06450-3319
Come mangiare nel modo sano con lo scaldavivande. Lo scaldavivande è un comodo oggetto che vi permette di riscaldare o tenere caldo il cibo quando siete fuori casa. Magari avete organizzato una gita al mare o al parco con la famiglia o gli amici e non volete mangiare i soliti panini farciti che si sa non sono proprio dietetici, se avete uno scaldavivande potrete tranquillamente portarvi dietro cibi più sani e mangiarli a temperature di cottura ideali. Scaldavivande attivo o passivo? .
Saturday, May 4, 2013. Monday, April 15, 2013. Friday, March 8, 2013. North Korea says prepare for war. If interested in reading more, I have linked the article.
Virtual Reality Panoramas of the Greenville, SC area. com! This site is devoted to virtual tours of Greenville SC and the surrounding area. The latest is a walk through Rock Quarry Garden. There are many more tours to come, so please visit often! .
Life is so arbitrary and exact, so painful and joyous, so loving and fleeting. As I LookAroundMe this is what I see and share through my words. Thursday, August 07, 2008. A collection of my short memoirs. My book is available in PAPERBACK. KINDLE, NOOK, I-BOOK and AUDIOBOOK. The Audiobook is available at Audible, Amazon and iTunes and is narrated by Elynne Chaplik-Aleskow. Audible Audiobook link and reviews.